The Plug-in
  • *

    Is climate change an issue of concern for you?

  • *
    Why do you say that?

    0 / 20000

  • *

    What climate change impact is of greatest concern to you? 

    (Select one from the list below)

  • *

    Have you made, or are you planning to make, any of the following changes around your home (either for environmental reasons or otherwise)? 

    (Select all that apply)

  • *

    Do you own an electric car?

  • *

    If you were buying a new car, would you consider buying an electric vehicle instead of one powered by petrol, diesel or gas?

  • *

    Are there any factors that would prevent you from purchasing an electric vehicle?

    (Select all that apply)

  • *
    Why do you say that?

    0 / 20000

  • Campaign Email

That's all, folks!

* End page and disqualification logic can only be seen in the live survey
